Life up North

Saturday, October 28, 2006

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!...

Today is a good day! It started snowing EARLY Friday morning and didn't stop until this afternoon!! I was quiet excited, but my parents aren't as thrilled as me!... My dad says that if it
keeps snowing, it will be my fault and I will get 2 shovels for Christmas! I just love seeing the snow...! It really is beautiful, and it is a definite reminder that Christmas is on it's way!!! Winter is truly my favorite time of year... I just hope that this time it's here to stay!


  • At 11:00 PM, Blogger Chantaloupe? said…

    RAYLENE!!! I totally just clued in that you might have a blog and then I found it on Amber's and yeee!!! I'm so excited you're on here!!! What a pretty post this is too!! I love how multi-media it is!!! I personally can't wait till Christmas-maybe you should come and visit?? And ya, it's been snowing here too just not sticking around for very long. But still, I was just thinking that this month and a bit is going to go by so fast and it'll be Christmas so soon-we're already listening to Christmas music in our rooms.

  • At 2:48 PM, Blogger Raylene said…

    YAY CHANTAL! I am soooo happy you found me!!!

    I wish I could come and visit at Christmas... But my sister and her family are coming up here this year! :( I guess there will always be the summer... of course it won't be the same without Amber!!!


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